Kelly Learned, RPP, MCIP, Founder and Principal

Kelly grew up in a small farming community in Saskatchewan, which highly influenced not only her choice of CFL team to cheer for but also her appreciation for the community, changing seasons, and the incredible environmental, social and economic systems at work around us every day.


Kelly landed at the University of Saskatchewan, where she pursued her curiosity in systems change and how those happen, or more importantly, what slows or stops positive change. Kelly graduated with a BA in 2000 and a lot more knowledge about the influence of political and social systems on change. She also graduated with the ability to speak Russian after spending a semester at university in St. Petersburg, Russia, to experience a culture amid massive change - the marketization of a communist system.  

After several years as a business co-owner in the landscape construction industry, Kelly entered the Faculty of Environmental Design at the University of Calgary to pursue a Master’s in planning. During this interdisciplinary program, she focused on how to take an idea and make it happen. Her master’s degree project examined a green roof policy and implementation framework for the City of Calgary.

Continuous improvement

Since completing her Master’s degree, Kelly has trained extensively in the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) engagement methodology. She also pursues continuous professional learning opportunities through in-person workshops, online training, reading and conferences on various topics from governance to engagement to ecology, conservation, and community preparedness. “The great aim of education is not knowledge but action” - Herbert Spencer.

The fun stuff

Aside from academic pursuits, Kelly has been a committed contributor to the communities she lives in. She sat on the Board of Sustainable Calgary for three years; as a member of the Cochrane Community Garden Society, she helped the group navigate approvals to build the first community garden in town. She was a Board member of the LEAD Canada organization - a group committed to building leaders in the field of sustainability, co-chaired the Bow River Basin Implementation Committee, chaired the APPI awards committee, has mentored several planning students in achieving their professional designation, and volunteered as a parent in various school and sporting events.